domingo, maio 17, 2015


  Well, I do not want to put here facts about technology. This job intend to show my opinion about this thing that less then 50 percent of humanity can use.

  Technology do not came to be a hell in humans lifes. It cames for helping us doing things faster or easier. For exemple: now we have text menssages by sms, whatt's app, facebook, twitter or others social sites, and letters are almost extinted. We can talk with someone instantly by calling the person, even with we are from miles distant of each other.

  Our cell phones and computers can be a big friends of us. Checking our e-mail's anywhere we are. Posting pictures on instagram from everywhere. Buying anything on sites about malls. This is what technology gave us: the internet. But this is not the only thing.

  Internet and technology can be used for finding thiefs and assassin's. Cameras on every place you go, looking at you, recording what you are doing or talking and with who you are. Something bad about technology is: you almost do not have pricavity anymore.

  Otherwise, medicine is on their best moments of ever. Deafs now can hear their own voices, people who get blind during their lifes now can see again, aids is now in process of descovering the cure. Isn't it perfect a lot?

  It's a lot to be truth. But anythin's good have it prices. The ozone layer is so afected by CFCs that factories throw in the air. That's one of the things that's making our planet so hot. Polar ice caps are melting, and the ocean is getting a bigger volume that someday some cities or even countries will be submerged.

  What I expect to the future?

  The real awnser is: a lot of things. Here are some exemples:

  I can show you more, but it will be tiring because of the number of images.

  Unhaply, in this future, trees may be almost extinted. We would have technology to re-create the world, but maybe it will be too late.

  What I mean is: technology is good. Technology is the best friend of humans - the problem is who use it and for what. Some people blame technology for their problems, but that's not true. These people caused their own problems.

  I think that's all.

Teacher: Marco Breta

Student: Anna Sarah

fontes: wikipedia, google imagens.

sexta-feira, outubro 24, 2014

Myths and legends

The Procission of Souls


   This is a myth from south of Brazil. It talks about an old single woman, who has a dog called Rex, living at a village.
   Her name is Carmelina, and she has nothing to do. So, all the time, she stares out of the window to see what happens outside. She knows about everyone's life, and if someone wants to know something, they  just look for her and ask.
  Carmelina is not someone that everybody want to be friend. She gossips too much, and the most of her neighbors think she is a gossiper for not getting married.
   The olds say: "do not try to know anything that has nothing to do with you. Curiosity has its price". Carmelina knows about that, but she does not care. She likes knowing about all.
  Someday, Rex was barking a lot. Everyone in the house was spleeping, except Carmelina, because she was observing a young couple in the street. When the clock was showing midnight, Carmelina saw lights on the street. She knows it was not any church stuff, because she knows about all that could happend that week and, when there is a procission, they ring the bells of the church.

  Looking at that, she realizes they really are persons, and each person is holding a lightning candle. A woman in procission walked towards her. Carmelina was paralised. 
  -Please, hold this for me. Tomorrow I will come back to take it - said the woman. Carmelina just took the candle and the woman returned to her spot.
  Carmelina put the candle on her bedside table, and layed on her bed to sleep. When she woke up in the following morning, she seached for the candle, but she just saw a bone. A femur.
  Desparete, Carmelina told her family about it and they said she should go to church. She did it. The priest told her to pray all day and wait for the woman at night. 
  At night, Carmelina was so nervous. She prayed all day, as the priest said. She was at the window again and, at mignight, that procission was there. 
  The same woman came back there. She looked at Carmelina and said:
  -Good that you listened to priest's advice. Next time you will not have a chance - she tooks the bone back. Carmelina learned that she should never watch her neightbords lives and care about herself.

  The story moral is: look to yourself, do not care others lives. Do not be a gossiper, and pray.

quinta-feira, maio 15, 2014

Charity Work - Giving.

Composition by Anna Sarah from 20141ADV01E1.

Do you know what “charity” means? Do you do charity?

There are a lot of types we call “charity” or “giving” in the world. We have the concept form Hebrews, Christians, Islamics, and more. Here, I am going to talk a little about each one of them, for your comprehension.

First of all, I would like to talk about the practice of the charity. Do you do it even if you do not know? Let’s discover it.

Charity is about giving what you have to give, from your heart. You can give money, clothes, food, and, when you do not have anyone of them, you give your time.
Listen to people’s problems is one example. You are giving your time to listen him or her and, maybe in the end, help him. Being a good person is a good way to be charitable. You are being charitable when you give what you have, without expect anything in return.
You can just buy something to someone eat, give a smile, be nice and polite.

Let’s see some concepts:

  • Hebrew: Hebrews have a concept for charity called Tzedakah. This is something that, they believe, G’d said the need to do. Be charitable is like and obligation for them. It is something for justice and right, and it is good for your soul.


  • Christian: for Thomas Aquinas, the concept of charity for Christians is “the friendship of man to G’d”, like “unite us to G’d”. Christians says G’d told that charity is “the most excellent of the virtues”. Aquinas said that charity extends not only the Love of G’d, but also the Love of your neighbor.

  • Islamic: for them, this is an obligation for all they that can do it, to get all Muslims in equal finance situation. It is considered a personal responsibility to help others Muslims.

There are so many companies that do charity with people’s money. UNICEF, Pencils of Promise and Comic Relief are some of them. You can give a little of your money to help them to help. Or you can turn into a helper. Once the company has a meeting to raise funds, you can help them, or help children and the elderly when they go to somewhere passing through, or just telling stories. These are the types of charity that you should know, because all the time, you may be doing them without realizing it.

These are some pictures of charity you may see. 

If you did not know all of this and you want to help, you can search this or others companies for helping people who needs.


quarta-feira, outubro 12, 2011

What I Like and Love

I'll talk about what I like and love!
Well, in first, I'll talk about what I love!
I really love my family! They're always by my side when I need, when I want... It's magical!
As I sad before, I love sing! When I'm singing, I'm flying! When I dance, I feel like I have some powers! Sing is the best part of my life!
I love my hear and my eyes! They're beaultiful!
I love purple and yellow. I love Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and others!
I love Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez and Big Time Rush!
I love my friends, math, english and I really love spanish!
Now, I'll talk about what I like!
I like chocolate, lasagna turkey breast with cheese, coke, cake, cookies and more!
I like to read Mônica's Gang Youth!
About the movies, I really love Never Say Never and I like Harry, Percy, Barbie and others!
I like to travel and action films!
If you wanna know, I don't like bad manners and hate people who say "give up" or " you'll never achieve your dream". You know what I say to these people?"Giving up doesn't exist in my vocabulary and Never Say Never"!
I think that's it! I hope you like!